Universal gasket material for high surface pressures at simultaneous high temperatures
KLINGER ® top-chem 2000 offers the advantages of PTFE gaskets without the disadvantages commonly associated with PTFE materials. This allows you to use these materials in applications where traditionally they are unsuitable, saving you maintenance time and improving plant safety.
With KLINGER ® top-chem 2000 the high relaxation typical of standard filled PTFE gaskets is not observed. At a load of 50 MPa and a temperature of 200°C the relaxation of this material is only just 2%. This ensures that bolt forces are maintained even under severe conditions. Therefore it is not necessary to retighten the bolts and the risk of increasing the leakage through loss in surface pressure is minimized. This behaviour is unique in the world of PTFE gaskets and can only be achieved with the use of KLINGER ® top-chem 2000. KLINGER ® top-chem 2000 has excellent chemical resistance in strongly acidic and alkaline applications and offers exceptional performance in applications with high mechanical requirements at high temperatures.
The universal heavy-duty gasket for an extremely wide range of applications in the chemical and petrochemical industries as well as in the shipbuilding industry for chemical tanker applications. Due to its unique load bearing properties it is able to withstand high temperatures and pressures and it is the only PTFE gasket with a Fire Safe Certificate . It is also the first choice in the food sector and in the pharmaceutical industry, for steam applications and in oxygen pipes and where special requirements are made acc. to TA Luft (German Clean Air regulation).
PTFE filled with silicon-carbide.